Optica Forum
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Conservation of étendue
Where are the limits in the conservation of étendue and how can these limits get stretched in an optical design.
1Laser Speckle
Methods to measure, model, and design for speckle reduction.
0Diffractive Optics
Methods to design and simulate the behavior and performance of diffractive optics.
0Light Field Displays
What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
0CO2 Lasers
Development of CO2 Lasers and associated elements.
0UV Lasers
Development and use of KrF, ArF, and solid state lasers that operate below 400 nm.
0Additive Manufacture
Development of lasers and optics for additive manufacture methods.
0EUV Light Sources
Development of EUV light sources and their associated optics.
0Holographic Measurements
Optical methods to take holographic measurements such as in the areas of microscopy, flow velocimetry, interferometry
0Optical nano-structures
Optical nano-structures are used to create antireflection coatings, optical elements, and reflective coatings
0Imaging Optics
The optical design, optimization, characterization, and fabrication of imaging optics.
0Axicon Lenses
The design and simulation of axicon lenses.
0Spectroscopy Systems
The design and analysis of infrared, visible, polarization, Ramon, and ultraviolet spectroscopy systems.
Development of meta-materials.
0Quantum Optics
The design of Quantum Optics
0Laser Pump Design
Design of laser pump systems.
0Ultra-fast lasers
Design of ultra-fast lasers.
0Laser cooling
Design of laser cooling of atoms.
0Laser resonator design
Design of Laser resonator systems.
0Free-form optics
Design and fabrication of free-form optics
0Solar Energy Optics
Development of optics for solar energy applications
0Astronomic Optics
Development of astronomic optics.
0Beam Combining Optics
Development of Beam Combining Optics.
0Head-worn displays
Development of head-worn displays.
0Head-up displays
Development of head-up displays.
0LIDAR Systems
Development of LIDAR systems.
0Laser ranging systems
Development of laser ranging systems.
0Camera imaging systems
Development of camera imaging systems.
0Flow cytometry optics
Development of flow cytometry optics.
0Light collection optics
Development of light collection optics.
0Ruled gratings
Development and application of ruled diffraction gratings.
0Tolerance Analysis
Tolerance analysis of optical systems and mechanical fixtures.
0IOL design
Design of intra-ocular lenses.
Design of optics and image analysis in microscopy systems.
0Laser Diode Delivery
Development of optics that support the delivery of laser diode light sources.
0LED optical systems
Development of optical systems that use LED light sources.
0Architectural Lighting
Development of both passive and active architectural lighting systems.
0Velocimetry Optics
Optical systems that support particle image velocimtry systems.
0Beam Shaping
Methods to shape laser beam near-field and far-field distributions.
Development of optical systems that relate to bio-technology.
0Vegetative Mapping
Develop of optical systems for mapping vegetation.
0Remote Sensing
Development of remote sensing optical systems.
0Optical Metrology
Development of optical metrology systems
Development of photo-lithography systems.
0Light diffusors
Development of light diffusors.
0Subtractive manufacturing
Subtractive manufacturing of optical components
0Laser ablation
Development of Laser ablation optical systems.
0Eye-tracking optics
Development of eye-tracking optics.
0Laser cutting optics
Development of optics used in laser cutting systems.
0Laser delivery optics
Development of optics used in the delivery of lasers.
0Pulse stretching optics.
Development of optics to stretch the temporal width of a laser pulse.
0Pulse compression optics
Development of optics used to compress the temporal width of a laser pulse.
The development of electro-optics.
0VR camera design
The optical design of virtual reality camera systems.
0Laser Design
Design of lasers.
0Transfer of Solid Models
Transfer of solid models and STL files between Optica and SolidWorks, CREO, and other solid modeling environments
0Optics in Opthamology
Optics related to the eye, including IOL and Lasik systems.
0Vector Diffraction
Calculations and optical models involving vector diffraction.
Use of LensLab optical modeling software.
Topics involving the use of Beamwise.
Topics involving the use of Mathematica.
- Conservation of étendueWhat are your opinions on the conservation of étendue? I believe that multiple-exposed thick or volume (Bragg) holographic optical elements can be used to gain greater étendue than a classical lens system by combining more than one optical system in the same physical volume. What do you think?Like