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Optica EM performs polarization ray-tracing, non-sequential ray-tracing, energy calculations, and optimization of optical systems in three-dimensional space. It also performs symbolic modeling of optical systems, full vector diffraction, interference, wave-front, and Gaussian beam propagation calculations . It has dynamic interactive graphics and can use CAD inputs into your optical models. Optica EM uses the integral solution to Maxwell's equations to directly calculate the electromagnetic behaviors of nano-structures, meta-surfaces, photon sieves, optical gain, resonators, and gratings.

Support duration: one year.

Optica EM package runs on all computer platforms supported by Mathematica. Zip-file format.

Optica EM Single User Annual Support

  • Optica EM performs full vector diffraction calculations.


(217) 369-5993

fax (217) 383-0199


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Oceanside, CA 92056

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